I think using the pen tool is easy to use overall but when you need to get into really detailed pieces, it will get hard to get the correct curves and shapes created with the tool, and it needs a lot of practice to get used to. In the video, the pen tool was used to create different kinds of curves and eventually covered digital lettering. I think that would be hard if the pen tool is not practiced enough. Creating letters and fonts would be quite interesting for me as a graphic designer so I would like to learn that even though it looks hard to master. I think using the blur and glass effects would be good to learn for UI/UX design or just to know because it is a cool effect. The blur effect seems easier to do than the glass effect, but I would like to do both to understand more things in Illustrator and learn how to do more. I think the glass effect is harder as there are more steps to follow and remember. I think this video is very good because it goes step by step clearly and is no...